Highlights from an important collection of 20th century ceramics are currently on display at National Museum Cardiff. The collection, belonging to London gallery-owner Anita Besson, who passed away in October 2015, has been bequeathed to the Derek Williams Trust, who have placed it on loan at National Museum Cardiff. A selection of highlights from the collection, 40 ceramic works, went on immediate display in the Museum with the full collection of nearly 80 works to be exhibited in 2017.
Andrew Renton, Keeper of Art, Amgueddfa Cymru — National Museum Wales, said, ‘We are delighted to be displaying this significant collection here in the museum and very grateful to the Derek Williams Trust for loaning this bequest to Amgueddfa Cymru’ — National Museum of Wales.
William Wilkins, Derek Williams Trust, said, ‘The Trust are honoured to have been chosen as the guardians and promoters of this great legacy of 20th century ceramics, the first bequest that has ever been made to the Trust . Anita Besson was hugely helpful in building up the Trust’s collection and she admired what we are doing. One of her particular interests was our emphasis on the importance of displaying all the work in our collection.’